Console scripts
Dev commands:
./bin/console dev:statusinit
if you have the extend/goteo-dev
plugin activated this command allows to create some projects to test the endround process.
Use ./bin/console dev:statusinit --clean
to delete all created data
Check the TestCommand as an example of how to create a command:
Commands can be added to the console system in the extend/plugin-name/start.php
such as:
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
use Goteo\Console\Console;
use Goteo\Application\App;
use Goteo\Console\Command\CronCommand;
// Console add command
Console::add(new MyPlugin\Command\MyPluginCommand());
// If needed, you can add your own listeners to handle ConsoleEvents
// this will allow you to add some extra functionality to some actions
// See file src/Console/ConsoleEvents.php
// and url
// for more information
// Adding custom services to the service container:
$sc = App::getServiceContainer();
// Take advantage of the general service container
// Adding new listener for some actions
->setArguments([new Reference('console_logger')]);
->addMethodCall('addSubscriber', [new Reference('console.myplugin.mylistener')]);
// Cron jobs can be added directly to the main CronCommand task if needed:
'schedule' => '25 ' . (Config::get('env') == 'real' ? 5 : 6) . ' * * *',
'command' => 'bin/console myplugin:mycommand --logmail --lock > /dev/null',
'type' => 'php',
'nice' => true