
Docker is the recommended way to setup a development machine as it has all necessary tools already installed.

To install docker and docker-compose follow the instructions:

We've only tested using Linux hosts, any comments or fixes on other hosts will be appreciated.

The first time, it is necessary to create a local docker configuration file that you can personalize:

cp config/docker-settings.yml config/local-docker-settings.yml

Then, you can set up a development server using:


docker/up is a wrapper for docker-compose, you can use any command line modificator (ie: docker/up -d instead of docker-compose -d).

👉 We use the wrapper docker/up because it automatically tries to export your user ID to the docker container. Otherwise all generated files by the php server will be owned by another user or root.

👉 This script assumes to run docker-compose without root privileges. Its important for the user running docker to belong to the docker group. As is explained in the Post-installation steps in (just run sudo usermod -aG docker $USER to be sure).

In any case, to ensure compatibility with the traditional docker-compose up, all created files inside the php container will have full-writeable permissions (ie: folder 777 and files 666)

👉 You can specify a custom docker-compose.yml file if necessary. Just copy it or create a new one with the name docker-compose-local.yml, this file is listed in the .gitignore and won't be committed.

👉 When updating from older versions (with other configurations of the docker-compose.yml file) it maybe necessary to rebuild the containers. To do that just run the same command with the modifier --build:

docker/up --build

At this point you should be able to point your browser to http://localhost:8081 (or whatever host name you have in your local-docker-settings.yml).

The correct URL will be shown in the docker-compose log when all preparation commands finish

We recommend not to use the -d flag on docker-compose to be aware of the log messages while building the container or php/server errors while browsing.


  1. How to use Docker
  2. Upgrade Goteo
  3. SSL configuration for development
  4. Mailhog: Development mail debugging
  5. Cron: background processes
  6. Geolocation
  7. Debugging logs

How to use Docker

The docker/up wrapper export the variable of the current user in order to match the UID of the docker user. This way we avoid permission problems while developing. For more info check this post:

The docker-compose up command executes docker/php/ script, which is equivalent as running the next commands:

docker/exec composer install
docker/exec npm install
docker/exec bin/console migrate install
docker/exec grunt build:tmp

You can (or must) run any of the above commands if the are changes in relevant files (database changes, css, javascript or public template files).

In general, any command used in Goteo to be executed in the docker virtual machine should use the wrapper docker/exec as it will run the command with the proper user.

If you want to test a production environment, you can pass the shell variable DEBUG=0 to the docker-compose command:

DEBUG=false docker/up

You can overwrite the default local-docker-settings.yml file with the GOTEO_CONFIG_FILE environment variable:

GOTEO_CONFIG_FILE=config/my-alternative-settings.yml docker/up

Finally -optionally-, by running the grunt watch command alone allows you to rebuild assets automatically while editing files. Note that assets are always recompiled when docker starts.

docker/exec grunt watch

Alternatively, you can just build the assets any time some css or javascript file has been modified by executing:

docker/exec grunt build:tmp

Upgrades and other commands can be executed the same way:

docker/exec bin/console migrate all
docker/exec bin/console toolkit project
docker/exec bin/console --help

Upgrade Goteo

If using Git, you can upgrade to any new version of Goteo pulling the new code:

git clone
git pull origin devel
docker/up --rebuild

SSL configuration

The Docker image comes with (experimental) support for SSL. However, to use it you need to:

  1. Use a test domain supported by the certificate and configure your /etc/hosts to point it to your machine, for example goteo.test. Add a line to your /etc/hosts file like this: localhost goteo.test www.goteo.test ca.goteo.test en.goteo.test es.goteo.test
  2. Change the URL in your local-docker-settings.yml settings file, use //goteo.test:8443 instead of localhost:8081. Something like:

    # url
      main: //goteo.test:8443
      assets: //goteo.test:8443
      # optionally:
      url_lang: goteo.test:8443
  3. Configure Chrome to trust the Docker certificate in order to show the site as secure. To add the certificate to the trusted CA root store you can just do (in Ubuntu you need libnss3-tools installed):

    sudo apt install libnss3-tools
    certutil -d sql:$HOME/.pki/nssdb -A -t "P,," -n "localhost" -i docker/certs/localhost.crt

Mailhog: Development mail debugging

Mailhog is an email testing tool for developers. It creates a fake smtp server that caches all messages and uses a web interface to debug them.

Goteo docker is preconfigured out of the box to use Mailhog, you just need to point your browser to the address http://localhost:8082 and view the email generated by the platform.

Some emails are sent by the cron process. Docker does not run cron by default. You can manually trigger the mailing process by executing the command:

docker/exec bin/console mailing last -u

Cron: background processes

Goteo uses some background processes to certain task. For instance, sending newsletters, emails to several users, control project statuses daily or process payment refunds.

For developing is usually interesting to trigger this events manually, you can execute cron in a terminal with this command:

docker/exec bin/console cron

All pending tasks will be executed.


Some actions need geolocation services. Docker uses a container with the Maxmind Geolite2 database configured.

This databases are updated every time docker starts. If for some reason you want to update them manually, just run:

docker-compose up geoip

Debugging logs

Goteo, by default, generates Logs in JSON format. This is convenient for machine processing but it may be a little confusing. The Docker image comes with the jq parser program installed.

You can filter some logs and prettify them by doing thinks like:

Enter into the container:

docker/exec bash

Once inside, use tail, jq and grep for fitering:

tail -n100 var/logs/app_real.log | grep INFO | jq
tail -f var/logs/app_real.log | grep -v DEBUG | jq

Running tests

You can run test by using the wrapper docker/test. Arguments are the same as phpunit.

It is recommended to create a test file the first time.


cp config/local-docker-settings.yml config/test-docker-settings.yml

Edit the database setting, and put goteo_test in it:

# Database stuff
    driver:   mysql     # Database driver (mysql)
    host:     mariadb # Database host
    port:     3306      # Database port
    charset:  utf8mb4     # Database charset
    database: goteo_test     # Database schema (database name)
    username: goteo      # Database user for the goteo database
    password: goteo      # Password for the goteo database

Then, create the database and grant permissions in the mariadb container:

docker-compose exec mariadb mysql -uroot -pcrowdfunding -e 'CREATE DATABASE goteo_test;'
docker-compose exec mariadb mysql -uroot -pcrowdfunding -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON goteo_test.* TO 'goteo'@'%';"

Finally, install the database:

GOTEO_CONFIG_FILE='config/test-docker-settings.yml' docker/exec bin/console migrate install

From now on, just run tests as:

docker/test tests/Goteo/Core/ModelTest.php
docker/test tests/